Understanding Debt Resolution Options

For most Americans, debt is a part of normal life.  While the idea of “debt” comes with a certain stigma, many experts agree there are good and bad ways to owe money.  

Mortgages and student loans are often cited as examples of “good” debt.  On the “bad” side of the spectrum are things like high-interest credit cards.  If you find yourself struggling with too much of one or more of these latter forms of debt, perhaps you are looking for a way out.

The goods news is that you have options.  The bad news is the options are usually not quick and painless.  

At Evergreen, we sometimes work with customers who have been—or are currently—involved in some type of debt resolution program.  We believe the key to success in any debt resolution program is an informed customer.

To this end, we have put together this quick reference guide for some of the options that might be available to the typical debtor struggling with consumer debt.

First off, let’s get some terms straight.  

Debt resolution is an umbrella term that refers, generally, to programs that aim to resolve debt.  Thus, providers of debt management programs, debt settlement programs, or bankruptcy might advertise their services as “debt resolution.”  

Each of these options has distinct pros and cons.

We have put together a debt resolution series of posts. We want our customers to be as informed as possible. Read more about different options of debt resolution:

Debt Management Programs (DMPs)

Debt Settlement



Call us today at 844-LEGAL-16 (i.e., 844-534-2516) if you would like to learn more about the costs and benefits of Evergreen’s legal plan offerings. 

Disclaimer: The information in this blog post is provided as general information only and should not be construed as legal or other professional advice.  Evergreen Legal Protection is not a law firm.  Never substitute information obtained from the internet or this blog for professional advice and guidance from a legal professional licensed in your jurisdiction.